meaning of pti

1. PTI Portable Tool Interface PTN Physical Transport Network Ptolemy A flexible foundation for the specification, simulation, and rapid prototyping of systems. It is an object-oriented framework within which diverse models of computation can co-exist and interact. For example, using Ptolemy a data-flow system can be easily connected to a hardware simulator which in turn may be connected to a discrete-event system. Because of this, Ptolemy can be used to model entire systems. In addition, Ptolemy now has code generation capabilities. From a flow graph description, Ptolemy can generate both C code and DSP assembly code for rapid prototyping. Note that code generation is not yet complete, and is included in the current release for demonstration purposes only. Version 0. 4. 1 includes a graphical algorithm layout, code generator and simulator. It requires C++, C and has been ported to Sun-4, MIPS/Ultrix; DSP56001, DSP96002. Ptolemy is an active research project. ftp://ptolemy. bekeley. edu/pub/ptolemy/. Mailing list: ptolemy-hackers-request@ohm. berkeley. edu. E-mail: berkeley. edu>.

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