meaning of prototyping
1. prototyping The creation of a model and the simulation of all aspects of a product. CASE tools support different degrees of prototyping. Some offer the end-user the ability to review all aspects of the user interface and the structure of documentation and reports before code is generated. provably difficult The set or property of problems for which it can be proven that no polynomial-time algorithm exists, only exponential-time algorithms. provably unsolvable The set or property of problems for which no algorithm at all exists. E. g. the Halting Problem. See also provably difficult. provider Internet Access Provider provocative maintenance [Common ironic mutation of "preventive maintenance"] Actions performed upon a machine at regularly scheduled intervals to ensure that the system remains in a usable state. So called because it is all too often performed by a field servoid who doesnt know what he is doing; such "maintenance" often *induces* problems, or otherwise results in the machines remaining in an *un*usable state for an indeterminate amount of time. See also scratch monkey. [Jargon File] prowler Unix A daemon that is run periodically typically once a week to seek out and erase core files, truncate administrative logfiles, nuke "lost+found" directories, and otherwise clean up the cruft that tends to pile up in the corners of a file system. See also GFR, reaper, skulker.