meaning of vest

1. An article of clothing covering the person; an outer garment; a vestment; a dress; a vesture; a robe.
Any outer covering; array; garb.
Specifically, a waistcoat, or sleeveless body garment, for men, worn under the coat.
To clothe with, or as with, a vestment, or garment; to dress; to robe; to cover, surround, or encompass closely.
To clothe with authority, power, or the like; to put in possession; to invest; to furnish; to endow; -- followed by with before the thing conferred; as, to vest a court with power to try cases of life and death.
To place or give into the possession or discretion of some person or authority; to commit to another; -- with in before the possessor; as, the power of life and death is vested in the king, or in the courts.
To invest; to put; as, to vest money in goods, land, or houses.
To clothe with possession; as, to vest a person with an estate; also, to give a person an immediate fixed right of present or future enjoyment of; as, an estate is vested in possession.
To come or descend; to be fixed; to take effect, as a title or right; -- followed by in; as, upon the death of the ancestor, the estate, or the right to the estate, vests in the heir at law.
a collarless mens undergarment for the upper part of the body

Related Words

vest | vest pocket | vesta | vestal | vestal virgin | vestales | vested | vested interest | vestiarian | vestiary | vestibula | vestibular | vestibular apparatus | vestibular fold | vestibular gland | vestibular sense | vestibular system | vestibular vein | vestibule | vestibule of the ear | vestibule of the vagina | vestibulocochlear nerve | vestibulum | vestigate | vestige | vestigial | vesting | vestiture | vestlet | vestment |

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