meaning of vague
1. Wandering; vagrant; vagabond.
2. Unsettled; unfixed; undetermined; indefinite; ambiguous; as, a vague idea; a vague proposition.
3. Proceeding from no known authority; unauthenticated; uncertain; flying; as, a vague report.
4. An indefinite expanse.
5. To wander; to roam; to stray.
6. A wandering; a vagary.
7. not clearly understood or expressed; "an obscure turn of phrase"; "an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"-Anatole Broyard; "their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear"- P. A. Sorokin; "vague. . . forms of speech. . . have so long passed for mysteries of science"- John Locke