meaning of surge
1. A spring; a fountain.
2. A large wave or billow; a great, rolling swell of water, produced generally by a high wind.
3. The motion of, or produced by, a great wave.
4. The tapered part of a windlass barrel or a capstan, upon which the cable surges, or slips.
5. To swell; to rise hifg and roll.
6. To slip along a windlass.
7. To let go or slacken suddenly, as a rope; as, to surge a hawser or messenger; also, to slacken the rope about (a capstan).
8. SURGE Sorter, Updater, Report Generator, Etc. IBM 704, 1959. Sammet 1969, p. 8. surjection
9. a sudden or abrupt strong increase; "stimulated a surge of speculation"; "an upsurge of emotion"; "an upsurge in violent
Related Words
surge | surge protector | surge suppressor | surged | surgeful | surgeless | surgent | surgeon | surgeon general | surgeoncy | surgeonfish | surgeonry | surgeons knot | surgery |