meaning of stil
1. STIL STatistical Interpretive Language. ["STIL Users Manual", C. F. Donaghey et al, Indust Eng Dept, U Houston Aug 1969]. STING A parallel dialect of Scheme intended to serve as a high-level operating system for symbolic programming languages. First-class threads and processors and customisable scheduling policies. E-mail:
Related Words
stil | stilar | stilbene | stilbesterol | stilbestrol | stilbite | stilboestrol | stile | stilet | stiletto | stiletto heel | stilettoed | stilettoing | stilettos | still | still hunt | still life | still room | still-burn | still-closing | still-fish | still-hunt | stillage | stillatitious | stillatory | stillbirth | stillborn | stillborn infant | stilled | stiller |