meaning of sprigs

1. A small shoot or twig of a tree or other plant; a spray; as, a sprig of laurel or of parsley.
A youth; a lad; -- used humorously or in slight disparagement.
A brad, or nail without a head.
A small eyebolt ragged or barbed at the point.
To mark or adorn with the representation of small branches; to work with sprigs; as, to sprig muslin.
an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers

Related Words

sprig | sprig tail | sprigged | sprigger | sprigging | spriggy | spright | sprightful | sprightless | sprightliness | sprightly | sprigtail | spring | spring balance | spring beauty | spring break | spring cankerworm | spring chicken | spring cleavers | spring cress | spring equinox | spring frog | spring gun | spring heath | spring mattress | spring onion | spring peeper | spring roll | spring scale | spring squill |

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