meaning of spoil
1. To plunder; to strip by violence; to pillage; to rob; -- with of before the name of the thing taken; as, to spoil one of his goods or possession.
2. To seize by violence;; to take by force; to plunder.
3. To cause to decay and perish; to corrput; to vitiate; to mar.
4. To render useless by injury; to injure fatally; to ruin; to destroy; as, to spoil paper; to have the crops spoiled by insects; to spoil the eyes by reading.
5. To practice plunder or robbery.
6. To lose the valuable qualities; to be corrupted; to decay; as, fruit will soon spoil in warm weather.
7. That which is taken from another by violence; especially, the plunder taken from an enemy; pillage; booty.
8. Public offices and their emoluments regarded as the peculiar property of a successful party or faction, to be bestowed for its own advantage; -- commonly in the plural; as to the victor belong the spoils.
9. That which is gained by strength or effort.
10. The act or practice of plundering; robbery; aste.
11. Corruption; cause of corruption.
12. The slough, or cast skin, of a serpent or other animal.
13. the act of stripping and taking by force
Related Words
spoil | spoilable | spoilables | spoilage | spoilation | spoiled | spoiler | spoilfive | spoilful | spoiling | spoils system | spoilsman | spoilsmen | spoilsmonger | spoilsport | spoilt |