meaning of splj6

1. SPL 1. Synchronous Programming Language. A DSP language. "Introduction to the SPL Compiler", Computalker Consultants, 1986. 2. Space Programming Language. Realtime language used by the US Air Force for aerospace software. Aka SPL/J6. Similar to JOVIAL. "Space Programming Language Development", SAMSO TP 70-325, System Development Corp Sep 1970. See CLASP. 3. System Programming Language. HP, 1977. An ALGOL-like language for the HP3000 computer allowing inline assembly code. MPE, the OS for the HP3000 was written in SPL. Pub. No. 30000-90024, HP. See also SPLash!. 4. Systems Programming Language. PRIME Computer, 80s. A variant of PL/I used on PRIME computers. PL/I subset G, less I/O plus a few extensions. SPL Users Reference Guide, Prime. See PL/P. 5. Systems Programming Language. A PL/I subset/extension for the P1000. D. B. Wortman, U Toronto. Philips Data Sys, Netherlands, 1971. Symbolic constants, pointer arithmetic, inline assembly code. Used to implement compilers, operating systems, and database. ["Experiences With SPL", J. Klunder in Machine Oriented Higher Level Languages, W. van der Poel, N-H 1974, pp. 385-393]. [Can 4 and 5 be the same?] 6. Student Programming Language. A translator-interpreter for a dialect of PL/I. 7. Set Priority Level [Jargon File]

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