meaning of spec

1. SPEC body> Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. A non-profit corporation registered in California formed to "establish, maintain and endorse a standardized set of relevant benchmarks that can be applied to the newest generation of high-performance computers" from SPECs bylaws. The founders believe that the user community will benefit greatly from an objective series of applications-oriented tests, which can serve as common reference points and be considered during the evaluation process. SPEC develops suites of benchmarks intended to measure computer performance. These are available to the public for a fee covering development and administration costs. The current 14 Nov 94 SPEC benchmark suites are: CINT92 CPU intensive integer benchmarks; CFP92 CPU intensive floating-point benchmarks; SDM UNIX Software Development Workloads; SFS System level file server NFS workload. Results ftp://ftp. cdf. toronto. edu/pub/spectable. SPEC also publishes a quarterly report of SPEC news and results, The SPEC Newsletter. Some issues are here http://performance. netlib. org/performance/html/spec. html. There is a FAQ about SPEC here http://performance. netlib. org/performance/html/specfaq. html
Spec A specification language. It expresses black box interface specifications for large distributed systems with real-time constraints. It incorporates conceptual models, inheritance and the event model. It is a descendant of MSG. 84. ["An Introduction to the Specification Language Spec", V. Berzins et al, IEEE Software 72:74-84 Mar 1990]. spec specification SPECbase_fp92 A variant of SPECfp92 that reports "baseline" results, using stricter run rules.
a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work

Related Words

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