meaning of scan

1. To mount by steps; to go through with step by step.
SCAN 1. ["A Parallel Implementation of the SCAN Language", N. G. Bourbakis, Comp Langs 144:239-254 1989]. 2. A real-time language from DEC. [Are these the same language?]
scan 1. computer peripheral See scanner. 2. circuit design See scan design. 3. functional programming See scanl, scanr. 4. algorithm> An algorithm for scheduling multiple accesses to a disk. A number of requests are ordered according to the datas position on the storage device. This reduces the disk arm movement to one "scan" or sweep across the whole disk in the worst case. The serivce time can be estimated from the disks track-to-track seek time, maximum seek time one scan, and maximum rotational latency. Scan-EDF is a variation on this.
the act of scanning; systematic examination of a prescribed region; "he made a thorough scan of the beach with his ">binoculars"

Related Words

scan | scan design | scan path | scan register | scan-edf | scan-in, scan-out | scandal | scandalisation | scandalise | scandalization | scandalize | scandalized | scandalizing | scandalmonger | scandalmongering | scandalous | scandalously | scandalousness | scandalum | scandent | scandentia | scandia | scandic | scandinavia | scandinavian | scandinavian country | scandinavian language | scandinavian lox | scandinavian nation | scandinavian peninsula |

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