1. PSK Phase Shift Keying. PSL 1. Portable Standard Lisp. 2. Problem Statement Language. See PSL/PSA. PSL/PSA Problem Statement Language/Problem Statement Analyser. A CASE system developed by D. Teichroew. It allows computer-based development and analysis of a statement of requirements, and assistance during the design phase. PSML Processor System Modeling Language. Simulating computer systems design. A preprocessor to SIMSCRIPT. "Processor System Modeling - A Language and Simulation System", F. Pfisterer, Proc Symp on Simulation of Computer Systems Aug 1976. PSN Packet Switch Node PSO Oracle Parallel Server PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network psychedelicware /si:"k*-del"-ik-weir/ [UK] Synonym display hack. See also smoking clover. [Jargon File] psyton /si:ton/ From TMRC The elementary particle carrying the sinister force. The probability of a process losing is proportional to the number of psytons falling on it. Psytons are generated by observers, which is why demos are more likely to fail when lots of people are watching. This term appears to have been largely superseded by bogon; see also quantum bogodynamics.
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