meaning of pretty pretty

1. Pleasing by delicacy or grace; attracting, but not striking or impressing; of a pleasing and attractive form a color; having slight or diminutive beauty; neat or elegant without elevation or grandeur; pleasingly, but not grandly, conceived or expressed; as, a pretty face; a pretty flower; a pretty poem.
Moderately large; considerable; as, he had saved a pretty fortune.
Affectedly nice; foppish; -- used in an ill sense.
Mean; despicable; contemptible; -- used ironically; as, a pretty trick; a pretty fellow.
Stout; strong and brave; intrepid; valiant.
In some degree; moderately; considerably; rather; almost; -- less emphatic than very; as, I am pretty sure of the fact; pretty cold weather.
pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing; "pretty girl"; "pretty song"; "pretty ">room"

Related Words

pretty | pretty good privacy | pretty much | pretty pictures | pretty up | pretty-pretty | pretty-spoken | prettyish | prettyism | prettyprint |

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