meaning of mach

1. Mach Interface Generator programming> MIG An implementation of a subset of Matchmaker that generates C and C++ remote procedure call interfaces for interprocess communication between Mach tasks. ["MIG - The Mach Interface Generator", R. P. Draves et al, CS CMU, 1989-08-4].

Related Words

mach interface generator | machaeranthera | machaeranthera bigelovii | machaeranthera tanacetifolia | machaeranthera tortifoloia | machaerodus | machairodus | macher | machete | machiavelian | machiavelianism | machiavelism | machiavelli | machiavellian | machiavellianism | machicolate | machicolated | machicolation | machicoulis | machilid | machilidae | machinable | machinal | machinate | machinated | machinating | machination | machinator | machine | machine bolt |

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