meaning of lobotomy

1. lobotomy 1. What a hacker subjected to formal management training is said to have undergone. At IBM and elsewhere this term is used by both hackers and low-level management; the latter doubtless intend it as a joke. 2. The act of removing the processor from a microcomputer in order to replace or upgrade it. Some very cheap clone systems are sold in "lobotomised" form - everything but the brain. [Jargon File] LOC lines of code local area network LAN A data communications network which is geographically limited typically to a 1 km radius allowing easy interconnection of terminals, microprocessors and computers within adjacent buildings. Ethernet and FDDI are examples of standard LANs. Because the network is known to cover only a small area, optimisations can be made in the network signal protocols that permit data rates up to 100Mb/s. See also token ring, wide area network, metropolitan area network. . Usenet newsgroup: news:comp. dcom. lans. misc.
surgical interruption of nerve tracts to and from the frontal lobe of the brain; often results in marked cognitive and personality changes

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