meaning of lithe
1. To listen or listen to; to hearken to.
2. Mild; calm; as, lithe weather.
3. Capable of being easily bent; pliant; flexible; limber; as, the elephants lithe proboscis.
4. To smooth; to soften; to palliate.
5. LITHE Object-oriented with extensible syntax. "LITHE: A Language Combining a Flexible Syntax and Classes", D. Sandberg, Conf Rec 9th Ann ACM Sym POPL, ACM 1982, pp. 142-145. lithium lick NeXT employees who have had too much attention from their esteemed founder, Steve Jobs, are said to have "lithium lick" when they begin to show signs of Jobsian fervour and repeat the most recent catch phrases in normal conversation, e. g. "It just works, right out of the box!" [Jargon File] LitProg literate programming LITTLE A typeless language used to produce machine-independent software. LITTLE has been used to implement SETL. "Guide to the LITTLE Language", D. Shields, LITTLE Newsletter 33, Courant Inst Aug 1977. little-endian architecture> A computer architecture in which, within a given 16- or 32-bit word, bytes at lower addresses have lower significance the word is stored "little-end-first". The PDP-11 and VAX families of computers and Intel microprocessors and a lot of communications and networking hardware are little-endian. The term is sometimes used to describe the ordering of units other than bytes; most often, bits within a byte. Compare big-endian, middle-endian. See NUXI problem. [Jargon File]
6. gracefully slender; moving and bending with ease
Related Words
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