meaning of iso pascal
1. ISO Pascal A Lex scanner and Yacc parser are in the comp. sources. unix volume 13 archive. [More detail?] ISO seven layer model Open Systems Interconnect ISP 1. Internet Service Provider. 2. Instruction Set Processor. ISPBX Integrated Services Digital Network PBX. ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility ISPL Instruction Set Processor Language. The original ISP language, written in BLISS ca 1971. ["Computer Structures: Readings and Examples", D. P. Siewiorek et al, McGraw-Hill 1982]. ISPS Instruction Set Processor Specifications. Operational hardware specification language. Successor to ISPL. ["Instruction Set Processor Specifications", M. R. Barbacci et al, IEEE Trans Computers, C-301:24-80 Jan 1981]. [Bell, Newell, Siewiorek, Barbacci 1982?] IST