meaning of institution
1. The act or process of instituting; as: (a) Establishment; foundation; enactment; as, the institution of a school.
2. Instruction; education.
3. The act or ceremony of investing a clergyman with the spiritual part of a benefice, by which the care of souls is committed to his charge.
4. That which instituted or established
5. Established order, method, or custom; enactment; ordinance; permanent form of law or polity.
6. An established or organized society or corporation; an establishment, especially of a public character, or affecting a community; a foundation; as, a literary institution; a charitable institution; also, a building or the buildings occupied or used by such organization; as, the Smithsonian Institution.
7. Anything forming a characteristic and persistent feature in social or national life or habits.
8. That which institutes or instructs; a textbook; a system of elements or rules; an institute.
9. the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new scientific society"; "he regards the fork as a modern
Related Words
institution | institutional | institutionalise | institutionalised | institutionalize | institutionalized | institutionally | institutionary |