meaning of het

1. of Hete
made warm or hot `het is a dialectal variant of `heated; "a heated swimming pool"; "wiped his heated-up face with a large bandana"; "he was all het up and ">sweaty"

Related Words

het | het up | hetairism | hetarism | hetchel | hete | heteracanth | heteranthera | heteranthera dubia | heterarchy | heterauxesis | hetercephalous | hetero- | heterobasidiomycetes | heterocarpism | heterocarpous | heterocephalus | heterocera | heterocercal | heterocercal fin | heterocercy | heterochromous | heterochronism | heterochrony | heteroclite | heteroclitic | heteroclitical | heteroclitous | heterocycle | heterocyclic |

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