meaning of here at
1. The whole mass of aeriform fluid surrounding the earth; -- applied also to the gaseous envelope of any celestial orb, or other body; as, the atmosphere of Mars.
2. Any gaseous envelope or medium.
3. A supposed medium around various bodies; as, electrical atmosphere, a medium formerly supposed to surround electrical bodies.
4. The pressure or weight of the air at the sea level, on a unit of surface, or about 14. 7 Ibs. to the sq. inch.
5. Any surrounding or pervading influence or condition.
6. The portion of air in any locality, or affected by a special physical or sanitary condition; as, the atmosphere of the room; a moist or noxious atmosphere.
Related Words
atmosphere | catheretic | chromatosphere | etherealization | exheredate | exheredation | exhereditation | fathered | feathered | gathered | gathered skirt | gatherer | here-at | herediatry spinal ataxia | hereditary cerebellar ataxia | hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy | hereditary pattern | hereticate | heretification | hunter-gatherer | lathered | lathereeve | leathered | leatheret | leatherette | megathere | plateletpheresis | standard atmosphere | stratosphere | tarred-and-feathered |