meaning of hensa

1. HENSA Higher Education National Software Archive HEP High Energy Particle Physics. HEPDB A database management system for HEP. HEPiX A recently formed collaboration among various HEP institutes aiming at providing "compatible" versions of the Unix operating system at their sites. HEPnet An association concerned with networking requirements for high energy physicists. HEPVM A collaboration among various HEP institutes to implement "compatible" versions of IBMs VM-CMS operating system at their sites. HEQS E. Derman. Constraint language for financial modelling. Uses an extension of the equation solver in IDEAL. "A Simple Equation Solver and Its Application to Financial Modeling", E. Derman et al, Soft Prac & Exp 1412:1169-1181 Dec 1984. HERA An electron-proton collider at DESY, W. Germany. HERAKLIT A distributed object-oriented language. ["Definition einer objektorientierten Programmiersprache mit hierarchischem Typkonzept", B. Hindel, diss U Erlangen-Nuernberg, Dec 1987].

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