meaning of gest

1. A guest.
Something done or achieved; a deed or an action; an adventure.
An action represented in sports, plays, or on the stage; show; ceremony.
A tale of achievements or adventures; a stock story.
Gesture; bearing; deportment.
A stage in traveling; a stop for rest or lodging in a journey or progress; a rest.
A roll recting the several stages arranged for a royal progress. Many of them are extant in the heralds office.
GEST Generic Expert System Tool Get a life! Standard way of suggesting that someone has succumbed to terminal geekdom. Often heard on Usenet, especially as a way of suggesting that the target is taking some obscure issue of theology too seriously. This exhortation was popularised by William Shatner on a "Saturday Night Live" episode in a speech that ended "Get a *life*!", but some respondents believe it to have been in use before then. It was certainly in wide use among hackers for at least five years before achieving mainstream currency in early 1992. [Jargon File]

Related Words

gest | gestant | gestation | gestatory | geste | gestic | gesticulate | gesticulated | gesticulating | gesticulation | gesticulator | gesticulatory | gestour | gestural | gesture | gestured | gestureless | gesturement | gesturing |

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