meaning of gen

1. gen generate gender mender Or "gender bender", "gender blender", "sex changer", and even "homosexual adaptor" A cable connector shell with either two male or two female connectors on it, used to correct the mismatches that result when some loser didnt understand the EIA-232C specification and the distinction between DTE and DCE. Used especially for EIA-232C parts in either the original D-25 or the IBM PCs D-9 connector. There appears to be some confusion as to whether a "male homosexual adaptor" has pins on both sides is doubly male or sockets on both sides connects two males. [Jargon File]
informal term for information; "give me the gen on your new line of ">computers"

Related Words

gen | gen x | gen-x | gena | genappe | gendarme | gendarmerie | gendarmery | gendarmes | gender | gender agreement | gender identity | gender role | gendered | gendering | genderless | gene | gene amdahl | gene chip | gene delivery vector | gene expression | gene kelly | gene linkage | gene mutation | gene sarazen | gene tunney | gene-splicing | geneagenesis | genealogic | genealogical |

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