meaning of fibre optics
1. fibre optics optical fibre FIDIL Based on "maps", generalised arrays whose index sets "domains" are arbitrary D-dimensional sets. Domains are first-class objects and may be constructed by union, intersection, etc. ["Fidil: A Language for Scientific Programming", P. N. Hilfinger et al, TR UCRL-98057, LLNL Jan 1988]. FIDO FInite DOmains. A constraint language implemented on top of Prolog. ftp://ftp. uni-kl. de/pub1/Unix/languages/fido/. FidoNet A worldwide hobbyist network of personal computers which exchanges e-mail, discussion groups, and files. Founded in 1984 and originally consisting only of IBM PCs and compatibles, FidoNet now includes such diverse machines as Apple IIs, Ataris, Amigas, and Unix systems. Though it is much younger than Usenet, FidoNet is already in early 1991 a significant fraction of Usenets size at some 8000 systems. [Jargon File] field database> An area of a database record, or graphical user interface form, into which a particular item of data is entered. Example usage: "The telephone number field is not really a numerical field", "Why do we need a four-digit field for the year?". A database column is the set of all instances of a given field from all records in a table.