meaning of extra
1. Beyond what is due, usual, expected, or necessary; additional; supernumerary; also, extraordinarily good; superior; as, extra work; extra pay.
2. Something in addition to what is due, expected, or customary; something in addition to the regular charge or compensation, or for which an additional charge is made; as, at European hotels lights are extras.
3. EXTRA Object-oriented, Pascal style, handles sets. "A Data Model and Query Language for EXODUS", M. J. Carey et al, SIGMOD 88 Conf Proc, pp. 413- 423, ACM SIGMOD Record 17:3 Sept 1988. extranet
4. something additional of the same kind; "he always carried extras in case of an
Related Words
extra | extra dividend | extra innings | extra large | extra point | extra time | extra- | extra-ocular | extra-official | extra-uterine | extraarticular | extraaxillar | extraaxillary | extrabranchial | extracapsular | extracellular | extracellular fluid | extract | extractable | extracted | extractible | extractiform | extracting | extraction | extractive | extractor | extracurricular | extracurricular activity | extradictionary | extraditable |