meaning of element

1. One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based.
One of the ultimate, undecomposable constituents of any kind of matter. Specifically: (Chem. ) A substance which cannot be decomposed into different kinds of matter by any means at present employed; as, the elements of water are oxygen and hydrogen.
One of the ultimate parts which are variously combined in anything; as, letters are the elements of written language; hence, also, a simple portion of that which is complex, as a shaft, lever, wheel, or any simple part in a machine; one of the essential ingredients of any mixture; a constituent part; as, quartz, feldspar, and mica are the elements of granite.
One out of several parts combined in a system of aggregation, when each is of the nature of the whole; as, a single cell is an element of the honeycomb.
One of the smallest natural divisions of the organism, as a blood corpuscle, a muscular fiber.
One of the simplest essential parts, more commonly called cells, of which animal and vegetable organisms, or their tissues and organs, are composed.
An infinitesimal part of anything of the same nature as the entire magnitude considered; as, in a solid an element may be the infinitesimal portion between any two planes that are separated an indefinitely small distance. In the calculus, element is sometimes used as synonymous with differential.
Sometimes a curve, or surface, or volume is considered as described by a moving point, or curve, or surface, the latter being at any instant called an element of the former.
One of the terms in an algebraic expression.
One of the necessary data or values upon which a system of calculations depends, or general conclusions are based; as, the elements of a planets orbit.
The simplest or fundamental principles of any system in philosophy, science, or art; rudiments; as, the elements of geometry, or of music.
Any outline or sketch, regarded as containing the fundamental ideas or features of the thing in question; as, the elements of a plan.
One of the simple substances, as supposed by the ancient philosophers; one of the imaginary principles of matter.
The four elements were, air, earth, water, and fire
the conditions and movements of the air.
The elements of the alchemists were salt, sulphur, and mercury.
The whole material composing the world.
The bread and wine used in the eucharist or Lords supper.
To compound of elements or first principles.
To constitute; to make up with elements.
element 1. programming> One of the items of data in an array. 2. text> One kind of node in an SGML, HTML, or XML document tree. An SGML element is typically represented by a start tag "">"

" and an end tag ".">"

". In some SGML implementations, some tags are omissible, as with "">"

in HTML. The start tag can contain attributes " lang="en-UK" class=stuff>", which are an unordered set of key-value bindings for that element. Both the start tag and end tag for an element typically contain the "tag name" also called the "GI" or generic identifier for that element. In XML, an element is always represented either by an explicit start tag and end tag, or by an empty element tag " src=thing. png alt=a dodad />". Other kinds of SGML node are: a section of character data "foo", a comment ".html" title="-->",">-->", a markup declaration " reg CDATA ®>", or a processing instruction " href="shop-english. xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>".
an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system; "spare components for cars"; "a component or constituent element of a ">system"

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