meaning of donuts

1. donuts Obsolete A collective noun for any set of memory bits. This usage is extremely archaic and may no longer be live jargon; it dates from the days of ferrite core memories in which each bit was implemented by a doughnut-shaped magnetic flip-flop. [Jargon File] DOOM A simulated 3D moster-hunting action game for IBM PCs, created and published by id Software. The original press release was dated January 1993. A cut-down shareware version v1. 0 was released on 10 December 1993 and again with some bug-fixes, as v1. 4 in June 1994. DOOM is similar to Wolfenstein 3d id Software, Apogee but has better texture mapping; walls can be at any angle, of any thickness and have windows; lighting can fade into the distance or come from point sources; floors and ceilings can be of any height; many surfaces are animated; up to four players can play over a network or two by serial link; it has a high frame rate comparable to TV on a 486/33; DOOM isnt just a collection of connected closed rooms like Wolfenstein but sounds can travel anywhere and alert monsters of your approach. The shareware version is available from these sites: Cactus ftp://cactus. org/pub/IHHD/multi-player/, Manitoba ftp://ftp. cc. umanitoba. ca/pub/doom/, UK ftp://ftp. demon. co. uk/pub/ibmpc/games/id/, South Africa ftp://ftp. sun. ac. za/pub/msdos/games/id/, UWP ftp ftp://archive. uwp. edu/pub/msdos/games/id/, UWP http http://archive. uwp. edu/pub/msdos/games/id/, Finland ftp://ftp. funet. fi/pub/msdos/games/id, Washington ftp://wuarchive. wustl. edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games A FAQ by Hank Leukart: UWP ftp://ftp. uwp. edu/pub/msdos/games/id/home-brew/doom, Washington ftp://wuarchive. wustl. edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doomstuff FAQ on WWW http://venom. st. hmc. edu/~tkelly/doomfaq/intro. htm Other links http://www. gamesdomain. co. uk/descript/doom. html Usenet newsgroups: news:rec. games. computer. doom. announce, news:rec. games. computer. doom. editing, news:rec. games. computer. doom. help, news:rec. games. computer. doom. misc, news:rec. games. computer. doom. playing, news:alt. games. doom, news:comp. sys. ibm. pc. games. action, news:comp. sys. ibm. pc. games. announce, news:comp. sys. ibm. pc. games. misc. Mailing List: univie. ac. at> "sub DOOML" in the message body, no subject. Telephone: +44 1222 362 361 - the UKs first multi-player DOOM and games server.

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