meaning of dol
1. DOL Display Oriented Language. Subsystem of DOCUS. Sammet 1969, p. 678. dollar $ Common: ITU-T: dollar sign. Rare: currency symbol; buck; cash; string from BASIC; escape when used as the echo of ASCII ESC; ding; cache; INTERCAL: big money.
2. the federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of wage earners in the United States; created in 1913
Related Words
dol | dolabra | dolabrate | dolabriform | dolby | dolce | dolce far niente | dolcemente | dolcino | doldrums | dole | dole out | doled | doled out | doleful | dolefully | dolefulness | dolent | dolente | dolerite | doleritic | dolesome | dolf | dolichocephalic | dolichocephalism | dolichocephalous | dolichocephaly | dolichocranial | dolichocranic | dolichonyx |