meaning of defends

1. See Defense.
The act of defending, or the state of being defended; protection, as from violence or danger.
That which defends or protects; anything employed to oppose attack, ward off violence or danger, or maintain security; a guard; a protection.
Protecting plea; vindication; justification.
The defendants answer or plea; an opposing or denial of the truth or validity of the plaintiffs or prosecutors case; the method of proceeding adopted by the defendant to protect himself against the plaintiffs action.
Act or skill in making defense; defensive plan or policy; practice in self defense, as in fencing, boxing, etc.
Prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance.
protection from harm; "sanitation is the best defense against ">disease"

Related Words

defence | defence force | defence mechanism | defence policy | defence program | defence reaction | defence system | defenceless | defencelessly | defencelessness | defend | defendable | defendant | defended | defendee | defender | defender of the faith | defending | defending team | defendress | defenestrate | defenestration | defensative | defense | defense advanced research project agency | defense advanced research projects agency | defense attorney | defense communications agency | defense contractor | defense data network network information center |

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