meaning of cub
1. A young animal, esp. the young of the bear.
2. Jocosely or in contempt, a boy or girl, esp. an awkward, rude, ill-mannered boy.
3. To bring forth; -- said of animals, or in contempt, of persons.
4. A stall for cattle.
5. A cupboard.
6. To shut up or confine.
7. the young of certain carnivorous mammals such as the bear or wolf or lion
Related Words
cub | cub scout | cub shark | cuba | cubage unit | cuban | cuban bast | cuban capital | cuban heel | cuban itch | cuban mahogany | cuban monetary unit | cuban peso | cuban revolution | cuban sandwich | cuban spinach | cubation | cubatory | cubature | cubature unit | cubbed | cubbing | cubbridge-head | cubby | cubbyhole | cubdrawn | cube | cube root | cube-shaped | cubeb |