meaning of con
1. To know; to understand; to acknowledge.
2. To study in order to know; to peruse; to learn; to commit to memory; to regard studiously.
3. To conduct, or superintend the steering of (a vessel); to watch the course of (a vessel) and direct the helmsman how to steer.
4. Against the affirmative side; in opposition; on the negative side; -- The antithesis of pro, and usually in connection with it. See Pro.
5. a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
Related Words
con | con artist | con brio | con game | con man | con- | conacaste | conacre | conakry | conan doyle | conarium | conation | conative | conatus | concamerate | concameration | concatenate | concatenated | concatenated key | concatenating | concatenation | concause | concavation | concave | concave lens | concave polygon | concave polyhedron | concave shape | concaved | concavely |