meaning of break even

1. break-even point In the process of implementing a new computer language, the point at which the language is sufficiently effective that one can implement the language in itself. That is, for a new language called, hypothetically, FOOGOL, one has reached break-even when one can write a demonstration compiler for FOOGOL in FOOGOL, discard the original implementation language, and thereafter use working versions of FOOGOL to develop newer ones. This is an important milestone. See My Favourite Toy Language. [There actually is a language called Foogol]. breakpoint A point in a program that, when reached, triggers some special behavior useful to the process of debugging; generally, breakpoints are used to either pause program execution, and/or dump the values of some or all of the program variables. Breakpoints may be part of the program itself; or they may be set by the programmer as part of an interactive session with a debugging tool for scrutinizing the programs execution.

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