meaning of boundedly
1. boundedly complete In domain theory, a complete partial order is boundedly complete if every bounded subset has a least upper bound. Also called consistently complete. bound variable 1. A bound variable or formal argument in a function definition is replaced by the actual argument when the function is applied. In the lambda abstraction x . M x is the bound variable. However, x is a free variable of the term M when M is considered on its own. M is the scope of the binding of x. 2. In logic a bound variable is a quantified variable. See quantifier. bournebasic A BASIC interpreter. comp. sources. misc archives volume 1. Bourne shell sh, Shellish. The original command-line interpreter shell and script language for Unix written by S. R. Bourne of Bell Laboratories in 1978. sh has been superseded for interactive use by the Berkeley C shell, csh but still widely used for writing shell scripts. There were even earlier shells, see glob. [Details?] ash is a Bourne Shell clone. ["Unix Time-Sharing System: The Unix Shell", S. R. Bourne, Bell Sys Tech J 576:1971-1990 Jul 1978]. boustrophedonic