meaning of bon

1. Good; valid as security for something.
A good fellow; a jovial companion; a free liver.
A very fragrant tea rose with petals of various shades of pink.
The height of the fashion; fashionable society.
bon From "Bonnie", Ken Thompsons wife A language designed by Ken Thompson and later revised by him to produce B. [When? Features?]

Related Words

bon | bon mot | bon ton | bon vivant | bon voyage | bon-accord | bona | bona fide | bonair | bonaire | bonanza | bonaparte | bonapartean | bonapartism | bonapartist | bonasa | bonasa umbellus | bonassus | bonasus | bonavist | bonbon | bonce | bonchretien | boncilate | bond | bond certificate | bond issue | bond paper | bond rating | bond servant |

Developed & Maintained By

Treasure Words