meaning of bash

1. To abash; to disconcert or be disconcerted or put out of countenance.
bash Bourne Again SHell. GNUs command interpreter for Unix. Bash is a Posix-compatible shell with full Bourne shell syntax, and some C shell commands built in. The Bourne Again Shell supports Emacs-style command-line editing, job control, functions, and on-line help. Written by Brian Fox of UCSB. The latest version is 1. 14. 1. It includes a yacc parser, the interpreter and documentation. ftp://ftp. gnu. org/bash-1. 14. 1. tar. gz or from a GNU archive site. E-mail: org>. Usenet newsgroup: news:gnu. bash. bug.

Related Words

bash | bashaw | bashful | bashfully | bashfulness | bashi-bazouk | bashless | bashyle |

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