meaning of vibrated

1. of Vibrate
To brandish; to move to and fro; to swing; as, to vibrate a sword or a staff.
To mark or measure by moving to and fro; as, a pendulum vibrating seconds.
To affect with vibratory motion; to set in vibration.
To move to and fro, or from side to side, as a pendulum, an elastic rod, or a stretched string, when disturbed from its position of rest; to swing; to oscillate.
To have the constituent particles move to and fro, with alternate compression and dilation of parts, as the air, or any elastic body; to quiver.
To produce an oscillating or quivering effect of sound; as, a whisper vibrates on the ear.
To pass from one state to another; to waver; to fluctuate; as, a man vibrates between two opinions.
feel sudden intense sensation or emotion; "he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the ">engine"

Related Words

vibrate | vibratile | vibratility | vibrating | vibrating reed | vibration | vibrational | vibrations | vibratiuncle | vibrative | vibrato | vibrator | vibratory |

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