meaning of ultra 2
1. Beyond power; transcending authority; -- a phrase used frequently in relation to acts or enactments by corporations in excess of their chartered or statutory rights.
2. Going beyond others, or beyond due limit; extreme; fanatical; uncompromising; as, an ultra reformer; ultra measures.
3. One who advocates extreme measures; an ultraist; an extremist; a radical.
4. used of opinions and actions far beyond the norm; "extremist political views"; "radical opinions on education"; "an ultra
Related Words
ultra | ultra vires | ultra- | ultra-ata | ultra64 | ultracef | ultracentrifugation | ultracentrifuge | ultraconservative | ultrage | ultrahigh frequency | ultraism | ultraist | ultramarine | ultramarine blue | ultramicroscope | ultramicroscopic | ultramodern | ultramontane | ultramontanism | ultramontanist | ultramundane | ultranationalism | ultranationalistic | ultrared | ultrasonic | ultrasonically | ultrasonography | ultrasound | ultrasuede |