meaning of subet
1. A subordinate; a subaltern.
2. Before the judge, or court; not yet decided; under judicial consideration.
3. SUB Substitute subband encoding An audio compression technique where the sound is split into frequency bands and then parts of the signal which the ear cannot detect are removed, e. g. a quiet sound masked by a loud one. The remaining signal is encoded using variable bit-rates with more bits per sample being used in the mid frequency range. Subband encoding is used in MPEG-1.
4. a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes
Related Words
sub | sub judice | sub rosa | sub- | sub-assembly | sub-base | sub-bass | sub-interval | sub-rosa | sub-saharan | sub-saharan africa | sub-test | subacid | subacrid | subacromial | subact | subaction | subacute | subacute bacterial endocarditis | subacute inclusion body encephalitis | subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis | subacute sclerosing panencephalitis | subaduncate | subadvocate | subaerial | subagency | subagent | subagitation | subaid | subalmoner |