meaning of sub class

1. One of the natural groups, more important than an order, into which some classes are divided; as, the angiospermous subclass of exogens.
subclass derived class subject In subject-oriented programming, a subject is a collection of classes or class fragments whose class hierarchy models its domain in its own, subjective way. A subject may be a complete application in itself, or it may be an incomplete fragment that must be composed with other subjects to produce a complete application. Subject composition combines class hierarchies to produce new subjects that incorporate functionality from existing subjects.
biology a taxonomic category below a class and above an order

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subclass | subclass acnidosporidia | subclass actinopoda | subclass alismatidae | subclass amphineura | subclass anapsida | subclass archaeornithes | subclass archosauria | subclass arecidae | subclass asteridae | subclass branchiopoda | subclass caryophyllidae | subclass cirripedia | subclass cnidosporidia | subclass commelinidae | subclass copepoda | subclass crossopterygii | subclass diapsida | subclass dibranchia | subclass dibranchiata | subclass dilleniidae | subclass dipnoi | subclass discomycetes | subclass elasmobranchii | subclass entomostraca | subclass euascomycetes | subclass euryalida | subclass eutheria | subclass exopterygota | subclass hamamelidae |

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