meaning of stichs

1. An instrument consisting of small bars of wood, flat at the bottom and rounded at the top, and resting on the edges of a kind of open box. They are unequal in size, gradually increasing from the smallest to the largest, and are tuned to the diatonic scale. The tones are produced by striking the pieces of wood with hard balls attached to flexible sticks.

Related Words

sticcado | stich | stichaeidae | sticherus | sticherus flabellatus | stichic | stichida | stichidium | stichomancy | stichometrical | stichometry | stichwort | stick | stick about | stick around | stick by | stick cinnamon | stick figure | stick horse | stick in | stick insect | stick lac | stick on | stick out | stick shift | stick to | stick together | stick up | stick with | stick-in-the-mud |

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