meaning of smp
1. CSMP Continuous System Modeling Program CSNET Computers and Science Network, operated by CREN for US computer science institutes. It provides electronic mail service via dial-up lines, X. 25 and Internet services. CSO Campus Phone Book software developed for, and originally used at, the Computer Services Office of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The server software is known as "qi" and the client is "ph". Recent versions of the software refer to CCSO Computing & Communications Service Office. ftp://uxc. cso. uiuc. edu/. CSP 1. Communicating Sequential Processes. 2. Chip Scale Packaging. CSP/80 Based on CSP. "CSP/80: A Language for Communicating Processes", M. Jazayeri et al, Proc Fall COMPCON80, IEEE pp. 736-740 Sept 1980. CS/PCode Used at Microsoft. CSP/k Concurrent SP/k CS-Prolog Distributed logic language. "CS-Prolog on Multi-Transputer Systems", I. Futo et al, Microprocessors & Microsystems, March 1989. CSPS ["Toward Comprehensive Specification of Distributed Systems", G. Roman et al, Proc 7th Intl Conf on Distrib Comp Sys, IEEE 1987, pp. 282-289]. CSP-S ["Implementation of CSP-S for Description of Distributed Algorithms", L. Patniak et al, Comput Lang 93:193-202 1984]. CS/QCode Used at Microsoft. [More detail?] CSR Control and Status Register CSS Cascading Style Sheets CSSA An object-oriented language. ["Key Concepts in the INCAS Multicomputer Project", J. Nehmer et al, IEEE Trans Soft Eng SE-138:913-923 Aug 1987]. CSS/II Computer System Simulator II. Like GPSS, for IBM 360. ["Computer System Simulator II CSS II Program Description and Operations Manual", SH20-0875, IBM]. CSSL Continuous System Simulation Language CSTools Concurrency through message-passing to named message queues. CSU 1. California State University. 2. Cleveland State University. 3. Channel Service Unit. CSU/DSU channel service unit/digital service unit CSV comma separated values CT Computer Telephone Integration CTC Cornell Theory Center CTC++ A test coverage analysis tool from Testwell for C and C++ that checks for function, decision, condition and multicondtion coverage in host, target and kernel. CTC++ Home http://www. testwell. fi/.
Related Words
csmp | s | s gravenhage | s wrench | s-algol | s-shape | s-shaped | s. s. van dine | s. smith stevens | s.t.p. | s.u.v. | s/// | s/n | s/sl | s10-membered | s3 | sa | sa node | sa-110 | saa | saadh | saale | saale glaciation | saale river | saan | saarinen | saba | sabadilla | sabaean | sabaeanism |
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