meaning of projections

1. The act of throwing or shooting forward.
A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building; an extension beyond something else.
The act of scheming or planning; also, that which is planned; contrivance; design; plan.
The representation of something; delineation; plan; especially, the representation of any object on a perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon the plane, each in the direction of a line drawn through it from a given point of sight, or central point; as, the projection of a sphere. The several kinds of projection differ according to the assumed point of sight and plane of projection in each.
Any method of representing the surface of the earth upon a plane.
projection In domain theory, a function, f, which is a idempotent, i. e. ffx=fx and b whose result is no more defined than its argument. E. g. Fx=bottom or Fx=x. In reduction systems, a function which returns some component of its argument. E. g. head, tail, x,y . x. In a graph reduction system the function can just return a pointer to part of its argument and does not need to build any new graph.
the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting

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