meaning of prefer2
1. A Roman officer who controlled or superintended a particular command, charge, department, etc. ; as, the prefect of the aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a fleet, of the city guard, of provisions; the pretorian prefect, who was commander of the troops guarding the emperors person.
2. A superintendent of a department who has control of its police establishment, together with extensive powers of municipal regulation.
3. In the Greek and Roman Catholic churches, a title of certain dignitaries below the rank of bishop.
4. a chief officer or chief magistrate; "the prefect of Paris
Related Words
prefect | prefectorial | prefectship | prefectural | prefecture | prefecundation | prefecundatory | prefer | preferability | preferable | preferableness | preferably | preference | preference shares | preferential | preferentially | preferment | preferred | preferred shares | preferred stock | preferrer | preferring | prefetch |