meaning of padus
1. A footpath; a road.
2. An easy-paced horse; a padnag.
3. A robber that infests the road on foot; a highwayman; -- usually called a footpad.
4. The act of robbing on the highway.
5. To travel upon foot; to tread.
6. To travel heavily or slowly.
7. To rob on foot.
8. To wear a path by walking.
9. A soft, or small, cushion; a mass of anything soft; stuffing.
10. A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp. , one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, or layers of blotting paper; a block of paper.
11. A cushion used as a saddle without a tree or frame.
12. A stuffed guard or protection; esp. , one worn on the legs of horses to prevent bruising.
13. A cushionlike thickening of the skin one the under side of the toes of animals.
14. A floating leaf of a water lily or similar plant.
15. A soft bag or cushion to relieve pressure, support a part, etc.
16. A piece of timber fixed on a beam to fit the curve of the deck.
17. A measure for fish; as, sixty mackerel go to a pad; a basket of soles.
18. To stuff; to furnish with a pad or padding.
19. To imbue uniformly with a mordant; as, to pad cloth.
20. PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler padded cell Where you put lusers so they cant hurt anything. A program that limits a luser to a carefully restricted subset of the capabilities of the host system for example, the "rsh" utility on USG Unix. Note that this is different from an iron box because it is overt and not aimed at enforcing security so much as protecting others and the luser from the consequences of the lusers boundless naivete see naive. Also "padded cell environment". [Jargon File]
21. the foot or fleshy cushion-like underside of the toes of an animal
Related Words
pad | pad of paper | padar | padauk | padda | padda oryzivora | padded | padder | paddies | padding | paddle | paddle box | paddle steamer | paddle wheel | paddle-box | paddle-wheeler | paddlecock | paddled | paddlefish | paddler | paddlewheel | paddlewood | paddling | paddock | paddy | paddy field | paddy wagon | paddymelon | padelion | padella |