meaning of normed

1. norm A real-valued function modelling the length of a vector. The norm must be homogeneous and symmetric and fulfil the following condition: the shortest way to reach a point is to go straight toward it. Every convex symmetric closed surface surrounding point 0 introduces a norm by means of Minkowski functional; all vectors that end on the surface have the same norm then. The most popular norm is the Euclidean norm.
a statistic describing the location of a distribution; "it set the norm for American ">homes"

Related Words

norm | norma | norma jean baker | normal | normal curve | normal distribution | normal dwarf | normal fault | normal form | normal school | normalcy | normalisation | normalise | normalised | normaliser | normality | normalization | normalize | normalizer | normally | norman | norman architecture | norman conquest | norman jewison | norman mailer | norman mattoon thomas | norman rockwell | norman thomas | norman-french | normandie |

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