meaning of moshe
1. A surface decoration made by inlaying in patterns small pieces of variously colored glass, stone, or other material; -- called also mosaic work.
2. A picture or design made in mosaic; an article decorated in mosaic.
3. Of or pertaining to the style of work called mosaic; formed by uniting pieces of different colors; variegated; tessellated; also, composed of various materials or ingredients.
4. Of or pertaining to Moses, the leader of the Israelites, or established through his agency; as, the Mosaic law, rites, or institutions.
Related Words
mosaic | mosaical | mosaically | mosaism | mosasaur | mosasauria | mosasaurian | mosasaurus | moschatel | moschine | mosel | moselle | moses | mosk | moslem | moslems | moslings | mososaurus | mosque | mosquito | mosquitoes | moss | moss-grown | mossback | mossbanker | mossbunker | mossed | mossiness | mossing | mosstrooper |