meaning of logol

1. A Hebrew measure of liquids, containing 2. 37 gills.
A bulky piece of wood which has not been shaped by hewing or sawing.
An apparatus for measuring the rate of a ships motion through the water.
Hence: The record of the rate of ships speed or of her daily progress; also, the full nautical record of a ships cruise or voyage; a log slate; a log book.
A record and tabulated statement of the work done by an engine, as of a steamship, of the coal consumed, and of other items relating to the performance of machinery during a given time.
A weight or block near the free end of a hoisting rope to prevent it from being drawn through the sheave.
To enter in a ships log book; as, to log the miles run.
To engage in the business of cutting or transporting logs for timber; to get out logs.
To move to and fro; to rock.
measuring instrument that consists of a float that trails from a ship by a knotted line in order to measure the ships speed through the water

Related Words

log | log cabin | log in | log line | log off | log on | log out | log up | log zs | log-chip | log-in | log-ship | logagraphia | logan | loganberry | logania | loganiaceae | logaoedic | logarithm | logarithmetic | logarithmetical | logarithmetically | logarithmic | logarithmic scale | logarithmical | logarithmically | logbook | logc | logcock | loge |

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