meaning of lilys
1. A shrub of the genus Syringa. There are six species, natives of Europe and Asia. Syringa vulgaris, the common lilac, and S. Persica, the Persian lilac, are frequently cultivated for the fragrance and beauty of their purplish or white flowers. In the British colonies various other shrubs have this name.
2. A light purplish color like that of the flower of the purplish lilac.
3. any of various plants of the genus Syringa having large panicles of usually fragrant flowers
Related Words
lilac | lilacin | lilangeni | liliaceae | liliaceous | liliaceous plant | lilial | liliales | lilian alicia marks | lilied | lilies | lilies of the valley | liliid monocot family | liliid monocot genus | liliidae | liliopsid | liliopsid family | liliopsid genus | liliopsida | lilith | lilium | lilium auratum | lilium canadense | lilium candidum | lilium catesbaei | lilium columbianum | lilium lancifolium | lilium longiflorum | lilium maritinum | lilium martagon |