meaning of lack2
1. Alt. of Lakh
2. A resinous substance produced mainly on the banyan tree, but to some extent on other trees, by the Coccus lacca, a scale-shaped insect, the female of which fixes herself on the bark, and exudes from the margin of her body this resinous substance.
3. resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects; used in e. g. varnishes and sealing wax
Related Words
lac | lac dye | lac wax | lacashire | lacasterian | laccic | laccin | laccolite | laccolith | laccopetalum | laccopetalum giganteum | lace | lace bug | lace fern | lace into | lace making | lace up | lace-bark | lace-flower vine | lace-winged | lacebark | laced | lacedaemonian | lacelike | laceman | lacemen | lacepod | lacer | lacerable | lacerate |