meaning of jambs

1. A kind of frock for children.
See Jamb.
To press into a close or tight position; to crowd; to squeeze; to wedge in.
To crush or bruise; as, to jam a finger in the crack of a door.
To bring (a vessel) so close to the wind that half her upper sails are laid aback.
A mass of people or objects crowded together; also, the pressure from a crowd; a crush; as, a jam in a street; a jam of logs in a river.
An injury caused by jamming.
A preserve of fruit boiled with sugar and water; as, raspberry jam; currant jam; grape jam.
JaM John and Martin. An interpreted FORTH-like graphics language by John Warnock and Martin Newell, Xerox PARC, 1978. JaM was the forerunner of both Interpress and PostScript. It is mentioned in PostScript Language reference Manual, Adobe Systems, A-W 1985. jam A condition on a network where two nodes transmitting simultaneously detect the collision and continue to transmit for a certain time 4 to 6 bytes on Ethernet to ensure that the collision has been detected by all nodes involved.
deliberate radiation or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of disrupting enemy use of electronic devices or systems

Related Words

jam | jam session | jam-pawncked | jamaat ul-fuqra | jamacina | jamadar | jamaica | jamaica apple | jamaica bayberry | jamaica caper tree | jamaica dogwood | jamaica honeysuckle | jamaica quassia | jamaica rum | jamaica shorts | jamaica sorrel | jamaican | jamaican capital | jamaican cherry | jamaican dollar | jamaicine | jamais vu | jamb | jambalaya | jambeau | jambee | jamberry | jambes | jambeux | jambolana |

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